- buyer of securities
- покупатель ценных бумаг
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
buyer's option — Literally, any option which a purchaser may be entitled to under the contract of purchase; technically, the right of the buyer of securities on margin to pay or tender the amount owing to the broker and receive the securities. 12 Am J2d Brok §… … Ballentine's law dictionary
buyer/taker — The purchaser of an option, whether a call or put option. The buyer may also be referred to as the option holder. Option buyers receive the right, but not the obligation, to enter a futures/securities market position. Exchange Handbook Glossary … Financial and business terms
securities firm — noun a stock broker s business; charges a fee to act as intermediary between buyer and seller • Syn: ↑brokerage, ↑brokerage firm • Derivationally related forms: ↑broker (for: ↑brokerage) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Qualified Institutional Buyer — A Qualified Institutional Buyer (or QIB), in law and finance, is a purchaser of securities that is deemed financially sophisticated and is legally recognized by security market regulators to need less protection from issuers than most public… … Wikipedia
qualified institutional buyer — (QIB) Investors eligible to participate in the Rule 144A market under the US Securities Act of 1933. Persons that fall within the specific categories outlined in Rule 144A include institutions that own and invest on a discretionary basis at least … Law dictionary
Philippine Government Securities — Description of the Security Philippine government securities (locally referred to as GS ) are the unconditional debt obligations of the Republic of the Philippines. These are all in the local currency, the Philippine peso. The securities are… … Wikipedia
participating buyer/seller — Used for listed equity securities. (1) Customer willing to buy/sell in line with market. (2) buyer/seller who goes along with another buyer/seller in a percentage order. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Qualified Institutional Buyer - QIB — Primarily referring to institutions that manage at least $100 million in securities including banks, savings and loans institutions, insurance companies, investment companies, employee benefit plans, or an entity owned entirely by qualified… … Investment dictionary
Repurchase agreement — Better known as Repurchase agreements (RPs or repos), a Sale and Repurchase Agreement has a borrower (seller/cash receiver) sell securities for cash to a lender (buyer/cash provider) and agree to repurchase those securities at a later date for… … Wikipedia
accrued income scheme — A scheme which charges to tax that proportion of the sale price of securities within its scope (debt securities), which is equivalent to the income that has accrued on the security since the last income payment date (sections 710 and 728, Income… … Law dictionary
Buying in — has several meanings: *In the securities market it refers to a process by which the buyer of securities, whose seller fails to deliver the securities contracted for, can buy in the securities from a third party with the defaulting seller to make… … Wikipedia